Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



16 hard chargers gathered in the brisk morning for a fun fueled time.

The warm up: Mosey to the basketball court. Side-Straddle Hops, Helicopter, Cherry Pickers, Super Mario Jumps, Karaoke

The work: Suicides with Merkins at each interval—5 at the free throw, 10 at half court, 15 at opposite free throw, 20 at other end of court—with Bernie back.

Run to tennis court. Break into groups of five. Indigenous Canoe. Each group sits in a straight line doing American Hammers while hard charger in the back does lunges to the front of the line. Indigenous Canoe went from one end of the tennis court to the other end.

Run to the begining of the baseball fields. Triple check One hard charger doing donkey kicks, second doing tricep dips, third running down the stairs, around the bleachers and back up.

Next triple check, One hard charger doing flutter kicks, second doing wall sit, third running down the stairs and back up other set of stairs.

Run to parking lot. Four Corners, Prostitute style. First corner, 5 burpees, second, 10 Merkins, third, 20 WWII, fourth, 50 squats.

Run back to the basketball court. NASCAR (essentially an indigenous run in a circle): All hard charges line up along the line. Hard charger in back runs a complete lap around the basketball court and positions himself in the front of the line. While hard chargers are doing their run around the basketball court, everyone else in line is doing a group workout while waiting for their turn to run. LBCs, Heels to heaven, Alabama Prom dates, Squats, Monkey humpers.

Crunch Time, 5 minutes left: Run back to parking lot. Form circle. Merkins on my cadence. Down—hold—up—hold—down—hold—up…



Announcements: No bootcamp at Rock n’ Roll next week (February 10) for CSUP at Dogpile. Growruck the weekend of May 5th.

I had a blast Q’ing for the second time at Rock n’ Roll! We met two new FNG’s, Duplo and Appllo. WELCOME! Showing up is the hardest part, but the fun begins shortly after. It’s crazy to think that Posh dragged me out to Rock n’ Roll nearly a year and a half ago. I hope both friendly new guys become regulars.

For the purposes of making child care easier, I’ll begin working weekends for more than likely, the next couple of years. I’m not saying good bye to F3 by any means, I plan on showing up to different AO’s during weekdays, and hopefully some appearances at Rock n’ Roll, albeit much fewer than I would like to.

As always, if you have yet to do a Q at Rock n’ Roll, I recommend you get on that saddle and take the reins. Don’t worry, you’ll make mistakes and blunders, but you’ll enjoy every minute of it.

No prayer requests: A general prayer of thanks and appreciation for being able to get together in the early mornings, and do these workouts together. To never forget that this is a privilege, and to watch over us and our families, and to help those in need and/or going through a difficult time.


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