Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

It’s 4 O’Clock Somewhere


One pushed off the lure of the afternoon nap sack (who doesn’t love conferences that end at 3 p.m.?) and ventured onto the sands of Marco Island. Temperatures were 70 and sunny. According to the giant sand castle makers, the following might have happened:

Southbound towards Cuba until YHC faced the point of No Return.



NMS: YHC struggles with any workout or run after coffee time. Today was no different. Just a slog, albeit with conditions in the low 70s with pleasant cloud cover. Thank you for your sympathies. Even though this all happened within 1 vertical foot of actual sea level, somehow going North felt as though it was uphill the entire way.

226 Shopping Days until BRR. Let’s go!!


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