Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Gridiron Snowball fight


8 warriors gathered in the frozen air to fight off a hangover(at least 4 of us) and burn some calories Here’s the thing: warm up was 25 side straddle Hops, 10 Don Qs,10 helicopters, 15 arm circles, 15 reverse arm circles, 10 push-ups, 20 LBC‘s.

Mosey to Striker field for some elevens to halfway Mark of field. Round 1: merkins and World War II, next set of 11s :Burpees and American hammers. Needing to cool off we rolled the giant snowballs to the center feild and then pushed them off field. Mosey to pull up bars, eight pull-ups, 15 dips, six pull-ups 15 dips, four pull-ups 15 dips two pull-ups 15 dips, mosey to the playground for ab workout: 25 WW2s, 20-2 count Freddie Mercury, 20 hello dollies , 20 Rosalita‘s, 20-2 count penguins, 20 copperhead squats, mosey up to the bathrooms. Wall sit: 10 air press, 10 -Merkins, 10- milkers then 10 LBCs, 10- Mike Tyson‘s, 10 Merkins, 10-head knees and toes wall sits, 10 LBC, run two loops around half of the parking lot. Circle up in plank for ring of fire each member doing five of whatever they want. close with prayer head to coffee for the warming up and fellowship. Was great to lead this group of Men and friends. Always the best part of my day working in the F3 circles.


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