Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

I’m not going to puke!!!


4 Well bundled, half frozen HIM left from the parking lot to head down the hill. NTB rolled in hot so the 4 stopped to stretch the legs while he made his way to join.

At the end of the road circle up for the COP, SSH, DQ’s (Snuff arrives) Helicopters, some not so tuff exercise I saw on the internet, Imperial walkers, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Burpees

Mosey walk the the first light pole

Bear crawl to the next pole, Crawl Bear to the next pole, Lunge to the next pole, Backwards Lunge to the next pole, Murder Gorilla’s (on the right side) to the next pole, Murder Gorilla’s (left side) to the next pole, High knees to the next pole, Butt kickers to the last pole

Starting at the bottom of the ramp get in a line 1st person does 3 burpees then crosses under the hand rail back and forth, person two does 3 Burpees and follows, all the way to the top.

Mosey walk to the ticket sales booth for a Triple check

Partner 1 does Wall Sits, Partner 2 does Dips, Partner 3 runs to the stairs does Tooth Fairies to the top and back

Mosey to the bottom of Mount Chaplain for 11’s using the hill

1 Jump Squat at the bottom, Bernie up, 10 Ball Dippers (single count) run back down

From the top of the first hill we stopped at each curb for an exercise as we made our way BTTF as we ran back Wedding Singer joins in

Numbers / Names Doublemint took us out


The title of this BB brought to you by Dealer who said “I kept telling myself, I’m not going to puke” in reference to the 11’s on the bottom hill. YHC has no idea what the actual temperature was this morning but as cold as it was, it was less cold than yesterday. 14 degrees is stupid low.


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