Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Epiphany at Dapile


Six magi descended upon Dapile on this surprisingly balmy Theophany. Opus, Mr. Holland and Descartes got an early start and ultimately clocked six miles, while the rest started at the traditional hour for a bootcamp. Here’s what happened with that:

Mosey to grassy area in front of the middle school for COP (all exercises IC):

  • SSH (10x regular, 10x right leg only, 10x left leg only)
  • Arm circles, 10 big, 5 small, reverso
  • Helicopters x 10
  • APDs x 15
  • LBCs x 20
  • Scorpion kicks x 15
  • Hand-release merkins x 15
  • Copperhead squats x 10

Mosey to middle school parking lot. In honor of the day, we cut the Beast in half. Exercises between parking lot islands were merkins, WWII sit-ups, and jump squats (adding an exercise each round for three rounds). In the middle of this holy battle, Descartes was guided by the light to leave the runners and join the bootcamp.

We celebrated victory with a triple-check. Timer bear-crawled to adjacent parking lot island and Bernie Sandersed back, while teammates did BTW (on a tree) and Lt. Dans.

Now having an even number of men, the bootcamp group moseyed to the basketball courts for a Dora 1-2-3. One partner hanged on a bar while the other partner did an exercise. Each pair completed 100 merkins, 200 lunges, and 300 SSHs.

Mosey back to flag with short stop at benches for dips on bench x 10, incline merkins x 10, and step-ups x 10 (all IC).

At this point remaining runners joined the boot campers for Mosey back to flag. Exercises ended with burpees IC x 10.

Numberama, Name-orama. Announcements: Good luck to our brothers running in the Snowy Owl tomorrow. YHC is part of fundraising and running team for Massey as part of Monument Avenue 10K on April 20th, and all are invited to donate and/or join the Tumor Suppressors team. BOM. Opus took us out.

Much welcome to Descartes who gutted it out and got a taste of both running and bootcamp this morning. The third F at The Local Cup after Dapile is a special part of YHC’s week, and this morning was extra special as the entire group – including FNG Descartes and Phonics – was there along with Corned Beef and Mudface. YHC loves you guys.


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