Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Tidy Whities Tucked In and Putting on Shoes Before Pants


A Merry Eight, or 7.5 with Fudd’s early departure, kept the Dogpile flame going. A convoy of Pax came in with minutes to spare and we promptly departed on time.

Taking a back ways to the first circle, we formed a smaller intimate arrangement for COP to stay dry a little longer. COP was a bit of the usual plus some light yoga.

Off we went to the Rusty Cage for some Dora. Partner 1 – Run to the fire hydrant and perform 15 V-Ups. Partner 2 – 100 pull-ups/assisted pull-ups on the low bars, 200 box cutters, 300 shoulder taps.

Off to the Haf Penny Stage for an extensive touch a tree session. Started off with 9 tree and BTTW. 7 trees and wall sit. 5 trees and American Hammers. 3 trees and broad jump burpees. 1 tree and arm circles (somewhere Flashdance smiled with approval).

With all of the trees properly cared for, off we went to the big field for Red Barchetta. 10 yards, 10 HRM. 25 = 25 mountain climbers, 50 = 50 monkey bumpers, 75 = flutter kicks, and 100 = 100 LBCs.

Over to the poles for a round of pole smokers 20 in count. Circle up for a ring of fire, but a ring in which we all did the exercises. After 70-80 merkins, we emerged and made our way back to the flag.

Time for a few minutes of Mary and Shavasana.

Honey Do took us out.

The title of the backblast is derived from a sampling of the strong mumble chatter this am. Coffee was excellent and most issues were discussed, and even some solved.

Enjoy the holidays with family and friends!


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