Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Whence Comes the Light


Since the neolithic dawn of humanity, men have seen the Winter Solstice as a moment of numinous significance in our collective journeys around the sun. Four men and two other men gathered in the deep dark of the day of the longest night to celebrate the diminution of the light and summon the sun to another year of radiance. This is how we celebrated the solstice together after some warming COP:

The Death and Rebirth of the Sun. Elbow plank around a flickering candle, representing the deep fires of history that have warmed our souls through the dark winters of time. Upon the call of the Q, the Pax lept to their feet and ran 10 paces, performed 10 burpees, and ran back to the radiant center to elbow plank again. Next round: 20 paces / 20 jump squats. Third round: 30 paces/ 30 merkin. Fourth round: 40 paces, 40 monkey humpers. Fifth round: 50 paces, 50 LBCs. End this ritual with picklepounding round the candle, which made Swirly uncomfortable.

The Extension and Diminution of Time. We performed with our bodies a physical representation of the the singular point which is December 21, at which time has collapsed into its thinnest span, and also upon which it begins its extenuation outward towards its fullest length. We began with 7 squats at each corner. Next round: 14 Merkins at each corner. Next round: 21 LBCs at each corner. Next round: 14 Carolina Dry Docks each corner. Final round: 7 Burpees each corner

The Magical Properties of the Yule Log for Summoning the Coming Warmth: In our final excercise we summoned the magic of the yule log as told by the ancient Germanic tradition. In triple check fashion, P1 performed Lutenitent Dans, P2 performed American Hammers, while P3 carried the yule log to the pavillion and back.

Numberama, Namerama, YHC took us out with one final Sostice tradition. While gathered around the candle of hope, we cast any unwanted woes and vices from the year past into the flame, and invited renewal. Saab threw his knee pain into the fire, YHC threw in his negative attitude toward his teenagers, and Swirly resolved to not be so passive and to get in more fights.


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