Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Skip the frozen tundra of Grid Iron


15 men posted this cold Dec morning for a little bit of cardio, abs, and arms…but we skipped the frozen tundra of Grid Iron for the comfortable turf field.

Started off with one partner doing Lunges across the 120 yard field, while the other partner jogs to the end and back and meets original partner doing lunges. Switch partner and complete until you reach the end. On the way back it was partner Marching Ukrainian Soldiers across the field. Then partner Bear Crawls to end of the field, followed by partner Crawl Bear and Bernie Sanders. Break.

Then 10 Merkins every 10 yards…pause at mid field for 100 abs (4 sets of 25 Crunchy Frogs, WW II, Heals to Heaven, LBCs)…finish the next 50 yards with 10 Merkins every 10 yards. Turn around and complete a Burpee Ladder (1-5, 5-1) and 50 yards of 5 sets of 10 Staggered Arm Merkins…with a pause at midfield for another 100 abs (2 sets of 25 Side Crunches, and 50 American Hammers). Break

To the picnic benches for 3 sets of 20 Step Ups, 20 Dips and 20 Durkins. Then to playground for some Pinto Specials (20 APD, 20 Pickle Pounders), 100 more abs (50 American Hammers, 25 WW I, and 25 Flutters). Break. Circle up, and go to coffee.


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