Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Kinda Like Eskimo Brothers, But Different


The weather report said 70 and sunny when the alarm went off this morning, but in the Midlo Middle parking lot a solid group of 8 huddled together in anticipation for an NTB beatdown. Time to go and YHC takes off across four lanes of traffic to the north side of Midlothian Turnpike. The PAX, confused at first, follows cautiously until it is abundantly clear that we are heading across the street for an NTB @ NTB warmarama!


The PAX circles up in the parking lot for a variety of IC movements. After taking an extra warm-up lap around the school, Hardywood finds the PAX and joins the fun to make it a 9-pack. Warm-up complete. Let’s mosey across traffic and back to the parking lot.

COP 1: 7 of Diamonds – 7 rounds of 4 corners where the PAX performs each round’s movement and corresponding reps:

  • 7 Merkins / 14 Crunchy Frogs / 21 Squats / 28 Flutters / 21 Carolina Dry Docks / 14 Mountain Climbers / 7 Burpees

COP 2: Heartbreak 1,2,3 – Mosey around to the hill and partner up for 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs while the timer runs downhill to the snack bar and back up. Many cars driving the hill to get to their busses added a dangerous thrill to the challenge.

COP 3: Four Corners – Step over to the tennis courts for a bro-code lap including 50 Freddy Mercury’s, 50 Box Cutters, 50 Merkins, and 50 Heels2Heaven.

COP 4: Eskimo Merkins – With three minutes left on the clock the PAX circles up for 10 eskimo merkins.

  1. Start in plank.
  2. Drop to a 6″ hold on the Q’s “down” call.
  3. Q counts “one” and calls “up”.
  4. Push back up to plank.
  5. Repeato while extending the time holding 6″ with each rep.
  6. Example: “Down, one, up. Down, one, two, up. Down, one, two, three, up…”

COT: Numbers, Names, Announcements, Prayer Requests

  • Prayers for Double Mint’s mom who is scheduled to have surgery on 1/2/24, as well as his niece who walked out of a 90-day drug rehab facility after one week for the second time.
  • 12/19 Rosie’s 12 Days of Christmas @ NoToll. Gift exchange to follow for participating PAX.

NMS: OC was going to be left off of the PAX count as payback for last week had he not said something in the COT in front of everyone. The bromance flame was dwindled but not extinguished. YHC enjoyed introducing the eskimo merkin to the PAX, which was picked up from the T-Gives convergence in Cary, NC last month.


About Author

Joined F3RVA at NoToll 6/13/2023. Disciple of Jesus. Married to Courtney. Dad to Ellie and Nora. Commercial builder with Hourigan. JHU baseball alum.

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