Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

What Kind of Pattern is This?


Six highly motivated kettlebellers melted the parking lot ice today at the OHES with a little hot potato. Here’s what went down.

Warmarama- Helicopters, jazzercise, SSH, Don Quixote, dead man hang, merkins, LBCs

COP 1- Warby. Triple check standing front press, pullover WW2, timer did 20 lunge to squats

COP 2- Vagabond. Stacked a “pattern” of 20 rep exercises around the bus loop. Swings, farmers carry to next point. Swings, overhead presses, farmers carry to next point. Swings, overhead presses, teapots, farmers carry. Swings, overhead presses, teapots, lawn mowers, 3 burpees, farmers carry. Swings, overhead presses, teapots, lawn mowers, curls, 5 burpees, farmers carry. Swings, overhead presses, teapots, lawn mowers, curls, skull crushers, 6 burpees to end. Healthy mumble chatter throughout.

COP 3- McGruff. triple check. Timer, partner up with leg throws.

Time called, names, announcements, Vagabond took us out in prayer.


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