Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Heart Break Ridge


11 would-be winter warriors beat the sun to witness the frozen landscape of heart break this morning. A humbling experience of Faith, Fitness and Fellowship at its best. We were reminded of how blessed each and every one of us are to have the physical and mental fortitude to brave the elements together. 

I’m glad I had my winter shorts on! 

1/4 mile mosey around the ice track for a frozen COP at the 50. 

Dead Man hang

Don Quixote

Ukrainian Soldiers

Copper Head Squats



Scissor Kicks

Mosey to the pull up bars for a 3 round Merkin/wall crawl with 15 pull ups each.

*Pig Skin lost his grip on the Icy bar and went down, but was back up in a flash.

I want to be like that guy when I grow up!

Mosey to the front of school to picnic tables for a triple check.

20 Dips, 20 Merkins, 10/10 on each leg squats.

Mosey to right side of school for another triple check.

Head, Knees and toes.


Timer to run to end of over hang walkway.

Mosey entire length of walkway in a bear crawl.

Mosey back with walking squats. 

Final Mosey back to the parking lot with a quick admiring appreciation of the fire house Christmas lights. 

Final circle of Merkin for the remaining few minutes until time was called. 

No Prayer Requests at this time. 

Pig Skins announcement was to invite us all to Fire House Subs for lunch. 

The Hand Shake did us the honor of closing in a very inspiring prayer. 


About Author

Sales Professional at Woodfin. 804-246-3158. ISAIAH 6:8 Jborden@Askwoodfin.com 9094328@Gmail.com

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