Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Coliseum Downrange – early 12 days of Christmas


Mosey. COP.  SSH, DQ, Arm Circles, seal claps, markins, WW2. Mosey to thang

The thang
12 days of Christmas. Accumulating

  1. Sprint
  2. Burpees
  3. Pull up
  4. Big Boy crunch
  5. Merkin
  6. Iron mike
  7. hanging knee up
  8. LT Dan
  9. flutter kicks
  10. Lunge walk
  11. Jump squat
  12. Side straddle hop

NMS – great to hang out with the boys in Boston. They keep coffee warm in a pot outside while we workout.  Thanks for the ride Alka Seltzer!


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