Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

No Audible


9 intrepid HIMs gathered in the Alamo parking lot seeking a beat down, and it was served up. With the cold light of a mostly full moon triggering the PAX lycanthrope tendencies, this happened:

Mosey to modern houses. Helicopters, deadman hang straight down, left and right, Shawshank stretch, modified hurdler stretch with left and right foot to the knee of each extended leg, butterfly stretch, copperhead squats, mosey back to parking lot

Circle up, LBCs slow count, Freddie mercuries slow then fast count, some PAX wise guys tried messing with the cadence rep count, achieving some success

Now, back in August, during a moment of weakness, I called an audible at the Alamo. I’ve regretted it since. Afterward, Heist and Mudslide told me, respectively, “The hard part was over,” and, “We could have finished.” With those inspiring/haunting words tumbling around in my mind over the subsequent months, I was determined to do it and finish, no audible. And so…

Horseshoe 11s:

The Alamo parking lot is a giant horseshoe shape; terrific! Starting with one jump squat, mosey the lot with ten Spider-Man merkins performed at the other end. Mosey back to the start and repeat, adding one jump squat and subtracting one Spider-Man merkin each round until finishing with one Spider-Man and ten jump squats. No audible, and much rejoicing. We clocked just over 3 miles today, most of it during this.


Turns out I don’t know what Bobby Hurleys are. This is probably because I didn’t know (I just Googled it, thanks) who Bobby Hurley was or what he did. I’m sorry if this is sacrilege to some. I THOUGHT it was picking a pretend basketball up off the ground followed by a jump shot. For the purposes of this post, I’m calling these Bobby Hurleys.

Timer bear crawls the length of two tennis courts to the fence then moseys back to the start

100 Bobby Hurleys, 200 LBCs, 300 SSHs, time called.

Announcements, prayer requests (State Farm’s feisty dog who picked a fight with a porcupine (PA) and lost, may he recover quickly), Wildcat took us out in prayer.

Always an honor and a pleasure leading this fine bunch!


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