Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Business as Usual


YHC couldn’t find any news of a Thanksgiving convergence at F3 Alpha (Marietta, Georgia), so posted to The Galaxy at the usual 0530 and found the PAX gathering for a Tweaker beatdown. Blue provided coffee afterwards. PAX wanted to know unique things about F3RVA. YHC told them about monthly challenges, particularly the Merkin challenge. There was some interest.

Solid beatdown. After a COP, grab a coupon, and proceed to an escalator with the following exercises, with a run across the parking lot in between each set.

5 burpees

10 Werkins

15 Peter Parker Merkins

20 Donkey Kicks

25 WWIII’s (Press, Sit Up, Overhead Press)

30 Plank Jacks

35 Curls

40 Overhead Press

(There were two more rounds that YHC didn’t get to; pretty sure no other PAX did, either.) Afterwards, YHC went to Cochran Shoals Park for some miles on the trails along the Chattahoochee.

Happy Thanksgiving, F3RVA!


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