Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Spotted Leopard at Satan’s Hill


It was a perfect fall morning for 10 beasts, including a spotted leopard, to show up for a beatdown at Satan’s Hill. It was still a little dark to fully see, but it appeared that Cookie was rocking his leopard print leg warmers/socks and wouldn’t either confirm or deny if his under garments matched. Here is how it went down:

Warmup: Mosey to end of the parking lot and back to the flag for the following exercises: Deadman Hang, Cherry Pickers, SSH, Copperhead Squats, Leg Stretches, LBCs, Mosey to the top of Satan’s Hill.

COP 1: Mailboxes on the right increasing by 2s (Worked up to 16) with 2 count mountain climbers until Prenoman Ln intersection.

COP 2: Triple Check in Prenoman Ln cul-de-sac – Carolina Dry Docks, Flutter Kicks and Runner to the cul-de-sac and back.

COP 3: Mailboxes on the right increasing by 2s (Worked up to 16) with Merkins until Farham Ln intersection.

COP 4: Mosey back to the flag for some cinder blocks on the hill. Partnered up for the following exercise routines: P1 performs mode of transportation up the hill, while P2 performs 10 count of cinder block exercise, then carries block to catch up with partner and switch back and forth until reaching the top/bottom of the hill. P1 Bear Crawls up Satan’s Hill while P2 performs 10 Cindy Curls; P1 Lunges down Satan’s Hill while P2 performs 10 Overhead Presses; P1 Broad Jumps up Satan’s Hill while P2 performs 10 Bent Over Rows; P1 Backwards Lunges down Satan’s Hil while P2 performs 10 Skull Crushers.

COP 5: Partner Stations in the parking lot including: Partner Pull Ups on the playground, Curb Dips, Jerkins, Cindy Curls and Runners to the end of the parking lot and back as timers. Time only allowed for each group to hit each station 1 time. Cindys were put away and a sigh of relief for a burpee free workout was let out in which YHC responded with “Lets knock out 5 burpees to end it!”

Numbers, Names and Announcements (Thanksgiving workout led by Mudslide at 6 AM at 45MOM.

Prayers for a quick recovery to Blacktop’s father who is in the hospital.

Always a great pleasure to lead this group of men who push each other every day to be better! Have a great weekend fellas!


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