Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Off Track


3 Davillians ran through the dark streets of Honey Meadows, Kings Charter, and Taylor Farms for about 4.5 miles. That poor gravel track must be getting lonely after two weeks without us. Don’t worry, we’ll be back soon. After numbers and names, Opus took us out, specifically mentioning praying about The Carpenter’s job search.

YHC is planning to decamp to Spider Run on Tuesday, 11/21 to run what will surely be a much slower 10k than recent Monument 10k efforts. Unless someone else steps up to lead a run or ruck, feel free to join me in pushing ourselves in something approximating a race effort. While unpleasant in the moment, in moderation it’s good for a training stimulus and to develop mental toughness. Years ago, I remember pushing myself for the first time to even run the entire 10k distance without stopping and drawing on inspiration from reaching that goal in other parts of my life that had been somewhat off track.


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