Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



The Q is coming off IR, so it was not much cardio…but a lot of abs and arms. (I know, you’re shocked)

Mosey to Grid Iron for 4 rounds:

1st- 100 Merkins (10 every 10 yards), but take a break at the 50 for 100 Abs (4 sets of 25 WWI, WWII, Crunchy, and Flutters). 2nd- Turn around in end zone and march back to original goal line, with 10 Staggered Arm Merkins every 10 yards. Don’t worry, a break at mid field for another 100 Abs (4 sets of Knee Ups, Side Crunches each side, Heals to Heaven, Flutter Kicks). 3rd- Took a break of arms and did 10 squats every 10 yards. But of course we stopped for 100 more abs. 4th- Only 50 yards of Chuck Norris, followed by a break of 100 more abs.

Left the Grid Iron for the bleachers and benches: 2 rounds of 20 Dips, with 20 Bulgarians in between. Then 20 steps ups and 20 Derkins.

Finished at playground for 2 sets of 10 Jerkins on the swings, 100 more abs, and some balancing and stretching


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