Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

God Bless America with 11s


On Veteran’s Day (Observed), 7 PAX members showed up to Satan’s Hill for a full body workout in honor of the soldiers that have fought and are currently fighting for our country. YHC got there a little early to pull out the cinder blocks for a variety of exercises. Unfortunately, the hill’s cinder block supply took a hit during the Iron PAX workouts (we are still waiting for Boberry to deliver us more) and only 7 blocks could be accounted for. At 5:29, the 7th PAX member rolled in, and all was right in the world this morning! God was looking out! Here is what went down:

Warmup: Mosey to end of the parking lot and back to circle up for exercises including SSH, Michael Phelps, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Butterfly Stretch and LBCs

COP 1: 11s – Curls and Curb Dips, running the length of the parking lot

COP 2: 11s – Dive Bomb Merkins and Bent Over Rows, running the width of the parking lot

COP 3: 11s – WWIIIs and Plank Jacks, running half the length of the parking lot

COP 4: 11s – Bulgarian Split Squats and Alabama Prom Dates with feet on curb, running the width of the parking lot

COP 5: Circled up with cindys for the last few minutes for ring of fire. All PAX held cindy overhead, while 1 PAX member performed self-selected exercise x 11 reps.

Time called for numbers & names.

Announcements: Ruck with Food tomorrow launching from Twin Team at 6 AM, Breaking Bread in need of PAX members to sign up, Happy Birthday to the Marine Corps

Prayer Requests to Hermes for a quick recovery from his surgery, all PAX members on the IR for whatever reason, and to the men and women serving our country for our freedom!

I encourage all to reach out to someone you know who has served our country and thank them for their service tomorrow! Thanks for letting me lead this great group of men today! Go out and do great things fellas!


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