Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Rocket Fuel


I saw NTB post a solo beat down at The Forge recently. “Pretty cool,” I thought. A different type of “test” as Rosie commented, a different mental angle on resolve and commitment. As I watched the clock inch closer to 5:30, a solo outing appeared imminent. Then headlights beamed across the asphalt and our notorious Wildcat emerged from his parked car. Who better to light the fuse of a post Yeehaw beat down? The rain had lightened up, and millions of bags of wrapped candy lay in the back of cupboards all across town. LET’S GO!

Warmarama: Mosey around the school, reach high (Shawshank stretch?), deadman hang, helicopters, copperhead squats, merkins, slow count Freddie Mercurys

Dora #1: Runner across the lot and back, 50 double-count KB lunges, 100 KB swings, 150 KB calf raises

Dora #2: Runner across the lot and back, 100 merkins, 150 KB lawnmower pulls, 200 arms circles

Dora#3: Runner across the lot and back, 50 overhead KB presses, 75 KB front raises, 100 single-count Freddie Mercurys

Triple Check-ish: 30 KB curls, 30 KB skull crushers, 100 single-count Freddie Mercuries, lower reps to 20 and repeat KB curls and skull crushers, keep Freddie Mercurys at 100 single-count, a final run through of 20 KB curls and skull crushers, Freddie Mercurys again at 100 single-count

Time called. Numbers. Announcements. Wildcat took us out in prayer.

As you all know, Wildcat is a great guy and the perfect partner for a fast-paced beat down. Wasn’t my time today for a solo run. Thanks for the company, for the iron, for the faith and fellowship!


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