Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Good to be out of the fartsack


6 regulars and a former regular (me) showed up to embark on an early workout. Temperatures were about perfect; the parking lot could use a bit of lighting but I digress.

COP: DQs, DMHs, merkins, MCs, and ACs. There was a little complaining of the COP location (it was a little tighter than the normal spot). Mosey to main entrance (one that looks like it is for valet parking).

  1. Elevens with HRMs and WWIIs. Mosey to Pine tree road in SW Westham.

2. Catch me if you cans starting with bear crawls and the other partner doing 10 jump squats. I should have made it more jump squats since the bear crawling intervals were a bit quick. After reaching Westham Drive, turn around and do lunges with the other partner doing 5 burpees. This was a little harder. Mosey to triangle park (Henrico’s smallest park – allegedly).

3. Triple check with run to River and back, Carolina dry docks and 2 count flutter kicks. Mosey to home base.

We finished with a couple stretches at home base. There is a collection of shoes – see backblast or Gypsy for details. A few of the West End AOs need a Q this week. FW supposedly only has one Q spot left this year. If no one signs up, it is a Fireman Ed disc golf Q.

I appreciate having the ability and opportunity to lead. Pray for the situation in Israel and thanks for all that we have.

Fireman Ed


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