Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Anti-Iron Pax Group


5 HIM’s not interested in the Iron Pax craziness joined YHC for a little Twin Team fun. YHC had considered making today’s workout more difficult than the Iron Pax but then realized that this was not his best idea.

Warmarama: SSH (perfect form Tobit), Arm circles, Dead man hangs, Don Qui-lo-te’s,

Thang 1: Up the Twin Team hill we ran stopping at every drive way for a group exercise. We did throw a Jilian Michaels exercise in for giggles. Nancy Lopez was very positive about said experience. I’m pretty sure that F.U. means “Great idea OC!”, right?

Thang 2: Partner up for a Dora: Merkins, LBC’s and Squats. Partner 1 runs part way up the hill and then back.

Back to the flag for a few minutes of Mary.

YHC took us out.

Announcements: Check slack.

YHC had hoped to do something more creative on the Twin Team hill today but it was too damn dark on that road today and plan b was executed. We’ll save that for another day.


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