Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Are you feeling Lucky?


5 brave souls were feeling Lucky and YHC was feeling nostalgic this morning in the TwinTeam gloom. It was high time for a Lucky Horseshoe. Mosey to the Swamp track for a quick stretch and then set the timer for 33 minutes and the PAX finishes as much as they can YvY style of the following:

  1. Lap and 20 merkins
  2. Lap and 20 merkins, 20 storm squats (Imperial walker with 2 squats = 1)
  3. Lap and 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks (switch scorpion legs after 10)
  4. Lap and 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWII situps
  5. Lap and 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWII situps, 20 lunges (10 each leg)
  6. Lap and 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWII situps, 20 lunges (10 each leg)
  7. Lap and 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWII situps, 20 lunges (10 each leg)
  8. Lap and 20 WWII situps, 20 lunges (10 each leg)
  9. Lap and 20 lunges (10 each leg)
  10. Victory Lap

Rosie crushed it. Even got an extra Victory Lap. Tobit completed it as well. Draper and YHC completed 9 rounds and just missed out on the Victory Lap. Doublemint checked out the Facilities mid-round and got right back to it. Sweat rolled even in the cool gloom. Great morning.

Not a lot of mumblechatter today. Just hard work. Prayers for Doublemint’s mother and Rosie’s father-in-law.

School of Rock this Saturday and Convergence Monday.

No More Gumbo For You!


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