Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Burpee Free Zone


A plethora of fine looking adventure seekers came out to enjoy the cooling temps and pleasant breeze that awaited them on the sweeter side of the river. Upon the arrival of the Machismo clown car it was time to venture out only to return 45 minutes later. According to the Huguenot security cameras, this is what occured.

Warm up Mosey around the bus loop to include a variety of calisthenics such as high knees, buttkickers, outside straddle, inside straddle and back to mosey. Circle up for introductions, disclaimers and all legal mumbo jumbo. YHC proclaimed no burpees will be performed today as enough were completed in previous Q’s by Snuff and Oyster this week. Warmups included invisible jumprope, DQ’s, Jazzercise, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, LBC’s and Kimchee Twists. All is good with the world, let us begin our travels.

COP 1: Mosey to the hill beside the school for Clockwork Merkins. We all know how these work and yes they do suck. AG for the 6. Mosey down to the amphitheater.

COP 2: Clock Eating Dora: Partner up for 100 Donkey Kicks, 200 WWII’s, 300 Shoulder Taps (2 count). Timer runs up the stairs around and back down. Fun was had by all. Mosey to the delivery area.

COP 3: Catch me if you Can: Partner Up, Partner 1 Bernies towards Forest Hill, Partner 2 – 2 HR Merkins then sprints to catch up to Partner 1 and switch. DTH is a beast on these and almost Bernied the entire way on his own. Well done.

COP 4: Light Pole Alley: BTTVF but stopping at every pole along Forest Hill for either 2 Lt. Dans or 2 Shoulder Tap Merkins, alternating at each pole. Rabbits come back for the turtles.

Circle Up for 1 minute of American Hammers followed by 1 minute of Alabama Prom Dates. Finished off with 1 minute of stretching. Numbers, Names, Announcements and Prayers. YHC took us out.

Announcements: Sat. Sept. 2nd – School of Rock is happening following Rock and Roll. Bring out the 2.0’s for them to experience a DTH inspired beatdown.

Convergence Mon. Sept. 4th – Dogpile @ 7 am with rotating Q’s. See slack for deets.

Welcome Red Card who is Machismos’ Brother in Law from Holland. Would be a very interesting fellow to share a story or 2 with. Hope to see you back out in the future.

NMS: Good turnout this morning. Was hoping to hit the turf but Snuffs’ Gate was locked up tight and YHC was not interested in scaling walls. Improvised with some old favorites after too many burpees earlier this week. Not much mumble chatter with all the counting but good time was had by all. Thank you gents for coming out and enjoy your holiday weekend.


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