Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Surprise Visit!


The crowd was shocked! As my car pulled into the newly paved parking lot, they all ran away scared. And their cars vanished. And I ran alone.

After 100 yards, I realized I had no music in my ear. Just my thoughts. They went something like this:

when did it get so dark in the morning?, it’s not that hot out, my knee feels ok, am I going to do any exercises? If someone murdered me right now, how long would it take for someone to find out, it is so humid and hot, my shoe is untied, gazebo, what do we call pushups on a bench?, what will I put in the write up?, these dips are more fun than the thing I can’t name, is that store being robbed?, the lactic acid in my belly fat itches, how far will I run?, if zombies attacked me, the first couple of seconds of them scratching my stomach would be heaven, time to run back to base, did I get enough miles in? I will tell everyone I did 4. If I post this at 6:17 AM will they know otherwise?


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