Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

My Pleasure at WDog


No Q on the Q sheet meant that a Hot Potato was in store for this workout and here is what went down:


Faceplant took the helm and had the PAX mosey to the mosh pit in the Amphitheatre where we circled up for…Stretching, we started with dead man hang, 4ct slow Abe Bigoda (DQ’s), Shoulder stretch, plank to 6 inches above ground back to plank, right side reach to the sky, left side reach to the sky, Wilson’s Wife, Fudd, 20 SSH, leg streches, groin stretches.


Then to get out we perform 1 merkin at 1st step, then 2 merkins, going up to five, then down to one, then back up to 3 at the top step.

Next, we mosey to the Triangle loop. As we had 7 total, we had one group of 4 and one group of 3 for a triple check. P1 – Ran lap around Triangle as the timer, P2 – Air squats (round 1) and alternating lunges (round 2), P3 – LBC’s (Round 1) and WW2 Sit ups (round 2). We make an Audible hand off after 2 rounds and Mosey to Penny ‘Ha stage to find…no Coupons!…Ok mosey to rusty cage for another triple check. P1 – runs to hydrant and back as the timer. P2 – Pull ups or Chin ups. P3 – Step ups on the wooden block.

Mosey back to Flag


Numberama, Namerama, Corned Beef Took us out in prayer.


So, we had an FNG, and we felt it was important to get him a tour of some of the great areas in this AO and we just scratched the surface. Alex Page – FNG 41 first concert was U2, first job with a W2 was Chick Fil-A so ‘My Pleasure’ came out immediately and was well received by everyone! The group assured Alex that a memorable name is key…and will grow on you. So welcome to the F3 RVA group!

We had 2 prayer requests as Faceplant has an uncle dying of cancer and is in hospice care, Hitch hiker’s daughter is starting kindergarten and is adjusting to not being home, rather at school and aftercare…so prayers to the two brothers this morning.

We had a nice workout this morning and it was an honor for 2 VMI guys to lead the workout today. Have a great day gents and see you in the Gloom soon. Cheers….CB!


Labor day Convergence is at 7am at Dog Park. We will have 3 Q’s for this one to make sure everyone who posts has some individual attention! The Q’s are FUDD, OYSTER and CORNED BEEF. The regions are represented and we look forward to seeing you on Labor Day!


About Author

I grew up in Roanoke, Va. Class of 1985 Cave Spring High, class of 1989 VMI Civil Engineering. Worked for Turner Construction in Jacksonville, Miami and Cincinnati, Moved to Richmond, Licensed Class A contractor, and work for Westminster Canterbury Richmond managing their major expansion for the next 4 years. I am married to a Librarian Betsy (UVA grad) and proud father of two awesome teenagers George (aka Hash-F3) and Lucy.

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