Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Phonics Intervals, Reprise


Seventeen Oyster-50th-beatdown dodgers gathered in the sludge to see what sort of shadows could be cast. Even though warning shots were fired, no one took the bait. A different kind of intervals were called this morning.

The Route

Slow mosey in front of the commons, up by the chapel, across the slick bridge to the multi-purpose field. one quick lap so everyone knew what we were doing then instructions were called.

Partner up with someone of equal ability. One partner runs around the field hard (80-90%) while the other recovers. Tag team for about 28 minutes before slow moseying back to the flag.

3 minutes of light stretching as the street lamps cast light that glistened off the pooling sweat.

Numbers, names, Bone Thugs tooks us out.


YHC remembers this being a good change of pace from typical routes and intervals. Good thing UR replaced that barely worn activity field with fresh turf. It was lush.

The recovery period offers time for mumblechatter. Discussion of gas chambers, nascar drivers, pouring milk before cereal, and friday night UR parties dominated the discussions YHC heard.

Somehow EF Hutton had a dime sized spot in the middle of his shirt that was still dry. I’ll give him the opportunity to explain how that could be possible.

Happy 50th Oyster!


  • Labor day convergence 7am Dogpile

Enjoy the Tuesday everyone!


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