Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Controlled 20s


4 HIMS had morning conflicts, so couldn’t make the drive to No Toll to celebrate Oyster’s respect Q. Nothing but respect to you Oyster and congrats buddy, wish I could have been there to support you. In lieu of the longer drive, they joined YHC for a closer option to throw around some KBs.

On this episode of Beatdowns by Vagabond, we focused on controlled movements and form. None of that herky jerky stuff. According to our pro-bono advertisers (mostly bc our workouts are you know…free), this is what went down.


SSH, Imp squat walkers, Ukr soldiers, butt kickers, high knees, arm circles big and small, (Out of respect for our Eagle Fang instructor Hermie who made an appearance, we did some shadow boxing). Jabs, upper cuts, hooks. Merkins, LBC, Flutter kicks, W/S wipers

The Thang-

Controlled 20s are what they sound like. 20 SLOW reps with a strong core, no jerky movements. Pause at the top and resist gravity on the way down. If you do this right, this burns way worse than doing 100 as fast as you can. And you don’t usually pull that random muscle on the other side of your body.


20x Clean and Press (10 each side)

20x KB swings. (Use those hips, not the arms)

20 Merkins

Family run around the donation box and back


20 x Lawnmower pulls on each side

20 x Single Arm High Pulls (10 each side)

20 x single leg V-ups

Family run around the donation box and back


20 x Toe on curb Goblet Squats

20 x Heel on curb Goblet Squats

20 x Calf raises

Family run around the donation box and back


20 x KB Hammers

20 x Overhead leg extensions

20 dips

Family run around the donation box and back


Burnout with 10x every exercise above with no breaks


Announcements – Please talk up the 9/16 Love for Liv workout. Also, bring your M’s and 2.0s if you can make it. Labor day convergence, so much more on Slack.

Prayer requests – Prayers for our man Hermie who just found out some tough news and is going to have to go through a few upcoming procedures. Prayers for successful and swift procedures and quick healing. We got your back brother, let us know if we can do anything to help you and your family!

It was a pleasure leading you fellas. I wish I could have made it to No Toll to celebrate Oyster, but you guys made staying close worth while. Wilson’s mumblechatter (It is not complaining) always makes it a fun morning too. LOL Thanks for the brotherhood fellas!

Iron Sharpens Iron



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