Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Neighborhood Tour


The morning was not Rosie, but 9 HIMs rolled out of bed for the Monday kick start.

Warmarama included Helicopters, Ukrainian Soldiers, SSH, Don Quixotes, merkins, LBCs, W****** wife.

The PAX had a tour of the Rountrey neighborhood consisting of 2.5 miles.

First COP was a triple check in the modern section with WW2s, flutter kicks and a drive by from Merman on his way to work.

Quick mosey to the next section with 25 Alabama prom dates. Next mosey took us to a cul-de-sac at the trail head for 25 merkins and 25 dry docks. They were so much fun, we repeated.

Quick little jog over the river and through the woods, popped out in the next cul-de-sac for 50 monkey humpers and 50 jump squats.

Next stretch of jogging took us to the bottom of the hill for light post burpees. 5 burpees at each of the 5 light post, down to 3 burpees at the last 2 posts.

Back to the flag for 5 more burpees, light stretching and plank for the last minute. Time.

Numbers, names, announcements, COT.


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