Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Our Savior!


Six warriors descended upon the Atlee High School parking lot to take on a beautiful mid-summer morning. Opus and Speakeasy got an early start with a run; Opus shifted to join the bootcamp. Here’s what happened at the beatdown.

Mosey to grassy area in front of the high school for COP: various shoulder exercises; imperial walkers; Don Quixote’s; tempo squats; merkins

Mosey to basketball courts for modified Dora. Exercises were hanging knee raises x 50, merkins x 50, and squats x 50. Timer bear-crawled to half-court with Bernie Sanders back.

Mosey to practice field. Partner relay across the field and back. Exercises were log roll x 10, army crawl x 10, bear crawl x 10.

Mosey around bus loop for exercise stops including box jumps x 50, Carolina dry docks x 50, and dips x 50.

Mosey to front of Atlee High School for some ab work (American hammers x 15, Rosalina’s x 10, APDs x 10). Then to the wall for 50 donkey kicks, followed by shoulder mobilization wall hang (2 minutes) and couch stretch (2 minutes each leg).

Back to virtual flag for five minutes of stretching.

COT, BOM, YHC took us out.

Welcome to Mohawk. He is the reason for this post’s title, as he crushed the exercises and gave us all relief by being the first to finish most exercises (except for donkey kicks, which Opus dominated, of course). YHC loves Saturday mornings at Dapile and is grateful for a fabulous group of men! We leave better than when we came.


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