Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Devil went down to the Taint


Fourteen able bodied gentlemen huddled to hear early instructions. Barely a question was asked, although perhaps there should have been a few more.

The Route

Through the bay cave, across the perfectly designed new Starbucks parking lot then west on Westham Station. Veer right past the lost CSX truck then head up South Ridge to the light.

  • 4s turn around and come home
  • 5s and 6s take a right on Ross and go into the darkness. Returning back up the same hill.
    6s were supposed to take Highland but they got lost on Ross.

We all made it back before YHC took us out.


Someone mentioned to me a few weeks ago that we hadn’t run up ridge in a while, thus the inspiration. Modified pitchfork to include the taint. Everyone was thrilled.

Glad to see we still have a strong group of walkers. Personally, I was thankful for Fudd and his willingness to pull me along today. Thanks!

Have a great day everyone!


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