Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Using the whole AO


4 W Dog regulars and one traveler from parts unknown fought off the temptation to sleep in, while another was thought to have slept in. As we moseyed, tires squealing alerted us that faceplant was on his way in hot. Pax thought he had slept in, however he was dealing with his other doody which caused his tardiness. Also had Maybe from Charlotte! T claps and thanks for joining.

Mosey to the circle (Some of these exercises may have been changed to protect the innocent) COP- 20 each SSH, LBC; 10 Each, Jazzercise, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, , Copper head squat, Dead man hang, Merkins,  

Thang 1 (The only thang)- Mosey to bottom of amphitheater. 6 people= 5 stations and runner. Runner up around the sides and top of theater. Stations were: Hand release merkins, flutters, Toe taps, LBC’s, incline merkins. We were going to do 3 rounds but Oyster begged to do more. So we ended with 5 and BTTF.

Some were calling for YHC’s passport to be revoked due to YHC’s sheer focus on using the entire AO. However YHC brushed off those threats and persevered. Check out Oysters Garmin tracker on slack to see the ambitious track of running.

Prayers to Maybe’s F3 brother in Charlotte. YHC took us out in prayer.

Announcements. Pickle ball tourney, 10K, Half this Saturday.


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