Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Cool, Comfortable Taint


Pictured Above: Bodo’s socks! GO DUKES!

Seven boot campers and two ruckers hit the streets leading down to and back up from the EF Hutton-inspired Taint. Upon completion of Last Call’s early morning Broga session and some friendly chatter around the VSF, this what the PAX completed:

Mosey to the tiny Henrico park for COP:

Dead Man Hang, SSH’s, Helicopters, DQ’s, Ukrainian Soldiers, Merkins, Inverted Scorpion Kicks

Travelling Lindsey toward the Taint. LBC’s and Heels to Heaven.

Almost at the Taint, 2×20 PLT’s each partner.

Arrive at the Taint and pair up or triple up. Three extra, extra large Bodo’s proof blocks await the PAX. Each team grabs a block. One partner walks with block while other partner(s) complete 10 merkins and catch up to switch with partner. Repeato until team is all the way back to the VSF!

Drop blocks off and grab some guard rail for:

11’s (10 Dips on guard rail and run across to other side for 1 WW2’s) Repeato until 1 Dip and 10 WW2’s.

Mosey back to VSF and circle up for Merkin Ring of Fire and 1 minute of Alabama Prom Dates.


Numbers, Names, Announcements and Upchuck took us out!


2nd F/3rd F event at Upchuck’s home tomorrow at 7:30pm. Bring canned goods and canned beer. Look for the big house on Westham Parkway.

Ultimate Frisbee at Gridiron on Saturday


Twas a nice, crisp, cool morning for another Kubota travelling bootcamp and Upchuck/Lockjaw ruck/walk-a-bout. Several past First Watches have teased the EF Hutton-inspired Taint, but this morning we dove right into it. Lots of grumbling about the large blocks and lots of grumbling from one unnamed PAX about YHC’s similar Q’s this week. Most went to coffeeteria afterward with talk of a certain USPS Mail Deliverer, a certain HVAC Repairman, Colonoscopies, Economist Magazine, Bodo’s socks and how the Starbucks Employees can’t figure out how to turn the lights on and their fans off.

Way to work this morning and SYITG!



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