Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Emotional damage


7, wait, 8, wait, 9 gathered for this weeks episode of Hoedown and this is what transpired:

Mosey to the bottom of Lindsay for a COP of various exercises.

Partner up – P1 Polar Bears up the hill while P2 runs to the top of Lindsay and back, switch off.

Mosey to West Drive Circle for a Triple Check – P1 WW2’s, P2 Squats, P3 runs the circle.

Indigenous Peoples Run back to the school.

Triple Check2 – P1 Flutter Kicks, P2 Wall Sits, P3 Bernie Sanders the circle

Indigenous Peoples Wall Sits – Everyone lines up in Balls to the Wall position and person 1 Bear Crawls and when they reach the end person 2 starts, each person runs to the end of the line and Wall Sits until everyone has finished.

Gorilla Shuffle down the sidewalk and then back.

Finish with 3 minutes of Mary.

Announcements – Last Frisbee of the season this Saturday led by Oyster and sponsored by the Gridiron Gang. Pickleball Tournament led by Hitchhiker August 26th?

NMS – last night at approximately 2045 hours the Q sheet was empty was empty so YHC decided to sign up. YHC figured a light attendance with so many summer vacations happening but we ended up with a solid number. It was good to see Showcase again from Bristol. Fudd attended too.


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