Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

East of the Hudson


One man rose to see what the Left Bank of the Hudson had to offer in the latest edition of The Clinic. Temperatures were 70 and sunny. According to the dog taking a Fudd in the parking lot, the following quite possibly happened.

Warm up: find a parking spot for 100 SSHs, imperial walkers, 20 hand-release merkins (which the dog found no bueno; apologies to the lady who got a workout holding Cujo back), 20 copperhead squats, and some assorted stretching).

Loop the building plus a 4-pack of exercises. 10 merkins, sometimes incline, sometimes decline; 10 dips, 20 WWIIs, 20 reverse crunches. 2 rounds.

Mosey over to the Homewood Suites parking lot. Loop that building a few times. Balls to the wall in the interim.

Mosey to the parking garage. Run up 2 flights of stairs, then down the incline, then up 3 flights on the opposite corner. Perform this loop several times. Like his golf score, YHC loses track of the loops after a while.

Return to base. Numberama, name-a-rama, YHC took himself out with a little request for some strength and a bit of patience.

NMS: YHC is on the banks of the Hudson doing a bit of college prospecting with Veers, YHC’s 17 year old. Points of note: Canadian fires stink. Homewood Suites apparently has hoops courts and a putting green, while Residence Inn has a putting green and what appears to be a pickle ball court installed backwards (the kitchen is on the ends, not in the middle). Hitchhiker has been notified.


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