Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



Five traffic dodgers endured the 76 degree morning and sweated out the previous day’s celebrations. After the time keeper (EF Hutton) gave the word, the following likely happened:

Mosey to the tiny park for:


Helicopters, DQ’s, Jazzercizes. That’s enough, lets roll.

Traveling Lindsey to the UofR lake: LBC’s and Carolina Dry Docks

Bear crawl across the bridge to the island.

Elevens in the gazebo: Reverse Crunches and Dips

3 x 10 Pole Smokers

3 x 10 Box Jumps

15 Incline Merkins

15 Derkins

Heels to Heaven, Box Cutters

5 Burpees OYO

Lunge walk across the bridge

Traveling Lindsey back to Saab’s house: LBC’s and Carolina Dry Docks

Alabama Prom Dates and Monkey Humpers in Saab’s driveway

30 squats on the way back to VSF

Time called by the timer

Numbers, Names, Announcements, and Lighthouse took us out!


It was nice to have Lighthouse join us for his first First Watch only to pretty much do the same thing he does when he posts at WTH, a Traveling Bootcamp. A couple miles were covered and the morning twilight/sunrise was enjoyable. The heat, humidity and the traffic were not enjoyable. There was a lot of car dodging and a possible roll of the ankle, but the crew made it back to the VSF safely. Not much mumblechatter this morning as a few of the noisiest First Watchers were out of town.

Way to work this morning, men!




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