Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Puckers 11s & Pickleball


YHC saw the Q was open for today and filled the need if only to ensure I had to be there in the morning. It was another beautiful day in RVA. 4 strong arrived for what they may have assumed was a well planned workout – including Chaplain on his summer tour. What in fact occurred was this…

Mosey to corner of Grove and Westmoreland for a geriatric warmup: Deadman’s Hang, 10 Don Quixotes, 10 Helicopters, 10 Arm Circles/5 Big Arm Circles, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Flutters and 20 SSHs.

Mosey on to the back of the school and do 20 WWIIs OYO then onto to the fields for the first of the planned exercises – along the way Hitch mentions he had 4 pickle ball paddles in his minivan, conveniently. YHC took that into consideration and the “plan” was adjusted.

The group perfectly executed Pucker’s 11s, performing a set of exercises at all 11 trees along Cary Street. First 3 Burpees at each tree, then 10 LBCs. YHC then dropped most of the rest of the plan for the morning, sent Hitch to his car to get the pickle ball paddles while the remaining three did a triple check on the blacktop (Wall sit, elbow plank, run up/Bernie Sanders back).

Hitch returned with the paddles and we were able to get a little instructional time in, a doubles match and then a singles match as well. Thanks Hitch for mentioning it.

Appreciate the opportunity to lead this morning. I felt like I was in a pickle ball promotional video given the many plugs Hitch offered for the fastest growing sport around.

Announcements – July 4th convergence at Dogpile 7AM, and Hitch is planning a Back to School Pickle Ball convergence on August 26th (I believe). More to come. Maybe you can even get F3 pickle ball swag at the next pickle ball outing!


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