Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Let’s Audible


3 strong and youthful Tuckahoians welcomed an a lost SOJ regular this morning without required medical assistance to reject the nursing home Pickleball trend that is sweeping the community. Here is what was rumored to have occurred according to Martha and Rupert.

Short mosey over to the church employee lot for Introductions, disclaimers and warm ups that included Invisible Jumprope, DQ’s, Jazzercise, Imperial Walkers, LBC’s, Rosalitas and Dying Cockroaches. Asphalt seems to be coming up around the area of a certain PAX member. Lawsuits were discussed.

Mosey to the rear parking lot for 11’s. Merkins and Lt. Dans were called running the parking lot long ways. After round 1, let’s audible to run across the parking lot width to help expedite this beatdown.

Short mosey to the commoners parking lot of the church, grab a few coupons for a DORA. 50 Big Boy Situps, 100 Squats with coupon, 200 Chest Presses with Coupon. Timer runs the loop. After 2nd round, let’s audible from Big Boys to WWII’s. Return coupons to their protected location.

Short mosey to Silverspring for Burpee Road. Burpee for every SUV along the route, Brocode Style. YHC was very forgiving on the SUV classification based on off-roading capabilities. BTTVF for few minutes of Broga.

Numbers, Names, Announcements and Prayers. Kubota took us out as YHC had to get going this morning.

NMS: Mondays are difficult, but the week always starts better with a Monday F3 beatdown. No better way to reject the fartsack then to Q. Numbers at Hoedown have been affected by the geriatric calling of Pickleball at Batteau. MumbleChatter is always strong with Kubota and Handshake, with Kubota fancing himself more of a rabbit then a Clydesdale these days. Handshake submitted his FOIA request to get the background on 1-800. Can’t wait to get him out to First Watch for some oversharing and the really good stories.

Great work gents. Good way to start the week.


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