Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

So, This Beast Goes to The Bridge…


13 indomitable spirits, some on their natural legs and some on walking sticks, rose into the post dawn sun to face the challenges The Bridge had on offer. Conditions were, yet again, 70 and sunny. According to the ants crawling up YHC’s shoe, the following might have happened:

COP: Introductions, refresh relationships with old friends, and onto the exercising…slow mosey around the outer driveway. Rotation of exercises on the mosey…slide feet side to side, then into a karaoke, the flip to karaoke on the other side, then slide feet the other way. Easy to understand in person. Finish with a slow mosey to the corner.

Circle up for the COP.

SSHs x 50
Imperial walkers x 10
Dead Man Hang, then walk out into merkin position. Right leg high, then left leg high.
Merkins x10
Littlest of Baby Crunches x20
Reverse crunches x10
Freddie Mercury x11
Rosalita x10

Circle up for The Beast

Round 1: Carolina Dry Docks
Round 2: Monkey humpers
Assorted stretching
Round 3: LBCs (?)
Round 4: Copperhead Squats
Yoga: pigeon right, pigeon left, inverted scorpion kicks right over, left over, repeato 2x
Round 5: WWIIs
Round 6: SSHs (4 count)

Corned Beef led us in a one count.

Mosey to the Chapel Lawn. 11’s. Step ups and merkins. Continue until time called.

Numbers, names, and TYA took us out with a story about a young man persevering through adversity and the challenges of inactivity.

Announcements: none.

NMS: Today was the largest group that YHC has seen at The Bridge. 8 men put themselves forth and joined 5 travelers in the Brotherhood of F3. “There but for the grace of God…” Life is a journey better made with the help of others and best made with those who care about you. The stories that some of these guys tell are challenging. YHC heard today about a man who attended 16 schools and lived all over Arlington, sometimes in cars or on the streets, all within spitting distance of where YHC grew up. It’s a small, small world.

YHC takes his hat off to the 4 Brothers who took their morning to brighten someone else’s. State Farm led from the front, pushing Road Runner, Atlanta, and others. Thank you for joining. Nice to have your leadership. Circle K and TYA are regulars, though it was nice to have the mercury above the single digits this time. And, before you say, “Isn’t TYA recovering from knee surgery?”, the answer is yes. And, not only did he post, he spent the 45 minutes on his back or sitting leading Bus in a capability-appropriate workout. Nicely done. YHC also thanks Corned Beef, who jumped right into YHC’s invitation Tuesday morning to visit The Bridge today. Always great to have your enthusiasm on the journey.

For those guys with an interest in joining at The Bridge, this is a once a month AO for F3RVA. We take one Saturday per month; Charlottesville takes 3 per month. Studs welcome. It’s a journey to get there, and it’s a journey of learning once you are there. Leave no man behind; leave no man where you found him. Your standard AO will be there each week; YHC invites each man to step out of his comfort zone and try The Bridge.

UpChuck spits the bit.


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