Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

HBD Q at 52


It was the Q’s 52nd BDay, so guess what we did? Lots of sets that totaled 52.

Arms– 52 (4 sets of 13) incline pull ups with partner holding legs, 52 chin ups/pulls up (modify feet on ground)

Legs– 100 yard field mosey with 4 sets of: 13 squats, then calf raises, then incline lunges, then calf raises with toes inward, then heals to butt, and some others…totaling 52 of each. Broke it up with a bear crawl or two of 50 yards

Abs– 52 WWIs, WWIIs, Crunchy Frogs, Side Crunches, Heals to Heaven, Flutter Kicks and American Hammers

Chest- 52 Merkins (4 sets of 13 across the field). Meet in circle for modified Ring of Fire…Bear Crawl to center and 10 Merkins with Hand Slaps with your partner, 52 Spider Mans, and a handful of other chest exercises to total 52

Stretching- Lots of stretching for abs, hamstrings, and any other muscle we used.


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