Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Coming in hot


Four PAX joined YHC at DaVille this week to enjoy an SOJ-style beat down. Here’s what went down…

Mosey from one parking lot to another for COP:

SSHs, IWs, DQs, Cherry Pickers, Merkins, LBCs, Flutter Kicks, American Hammers

Mosey to practice field.

Bearpees: Lining up on one side of the field, PAX crosses the field by performing 4 bear crawl paces followed by a burpee. Repeat with 8 bear crawls and 2 burpees. Repeato with 12 bear crawls and 3 burpees.

Dora: 100 dips, 200 LBCs, 300 squats. Runner crosses the field and back.

Love Hill: Partner up. Starting in the end zone, partner 1 runs to the other end and back while partner 2 polar bear crawls. When partner 1 makes it back to partner 2, switch it up. Continue until the pair has traversed the entire football field.

The DaVille boys keep a close eye on time. Time to head BTTF.

2 MOM: Tricep extensions (nope…they were not a fan) and Dollies.

Numbers, Names, Announcements, YHC took us out.

Announcements: SOJ Takeover week continues through Friday….come get some!

NMS: It’s about a 25 minute drive to DaVille from YHCs abode. The only other time YHC has even been to this AO was during the Century Classic relay back in 2018 (we should do another one of these). YHC arrived around 525 to an empty parking lot except for a couple walkers and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was going to be a solo SOJ Q in DaVille. Corn Beef rolled up a minute later and revealed that the DaVille boyz come in hot. And they did…with Opus, Bulkhead, and Speakeasy showing up right at launch time. Great to catch up with these fellas! Lots of conversation about running and races (which was right up YHCs alley).


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