Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

There’s a track?


15 fine gentlemen from across RVA joined YHC for a classic Dogpile beatdown on a beautiful June morning. According to the 4 bucks playing around the AO this is what may have happened.

Mosey to the VITA track since during Breakfast Club YHC learned that Boberry didn’t even know there was a track there. Warm up starting with DQ, SSH is not the required starting exercise despite the fine print in the F3 manual. One lap around the VITA track, stopping at each exercise station, alternating between 10 merkins and 10 V-ups. The track seemed longer than it used to.

To the Carillion field, alternate between bear crawl and crab walk while your partner runs from to the other end – switch until done. Benny has a surprisingly fast bear/gorilla crawl that may rival EF Hutton once he’s been around for more than a few weeks. Behind the Carillion for the standard Touch a tree – 2-4-6-8 with HRM, AH, Squat, Plank.

Necessary stop at the pull up bars for a 6-pack -Pullups and Jump Squats – apparently this is where we broke Handshake’s will. Maybe he was still in shock from last week’s pull up Dora. Next stop Ampitheater, the Q took a suggestion from Senor Frog and made it happen with increasing dips up the stairs. Close it out with some rapid fire and slow count variations of Mary.

Great start to the SOJ takeover with Heist bringing the clown car with Purple Rain and Benny. Great to try to keep up with Sippy Cup on another lap around the track, it’s been too long since I’ve done that.

So many great things about F3 RVA, it’s been 8 years as of last week since I started working out with F3. I’ve seen many ups and downs in personal and professional life but mostly positive and I attribute that to the men that surround me in F3. Thanks to everyone that was there today and those that have been there over the years. Let’s keep giving it away like it’s been given to us. It doesn’t get easier, you get stronger.


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