Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Hot Air Balloons


As the SOJ takeover of Atlee High School commenced, hot air balloons floated up from the Hanover County Municipal Airport. And just like that , all 5 men made a pact to never go up in one of those dang things. A real bonding moment.

Long mosey back behind the school for a warmarama. DQs, helicopters, SSHs, hand-release mirkins, and then a series of signature SOJ hits like the Apple Bottom Poppers, Imperial Squat Walkers, oblique crunches, and the big hit Rosalita Dips.

Mosey across the fields to the football practice area where a convenient 5-man sled was there for the pushing. We pushed it in a big circle and then back again. Have to agree with Corned Beef, would not want to meet a lineman in a dark alley.

Mosey over to the strange jungle gym thing where we did a series of jerkins and shuffling across. Then a balls to the wall 15-count and then shuffled back across again.

Continuing with the spontaneity, we pulled out the tractor tire. One man called an exercise for everyone to do, while the person who called it out flipped the tire 5 times. All the way across the field with mirkins, squats, ball dippers, etc etc. Then back the way we came, except this time one person called out some ab exercises to get everyone laying down on the dewey grass. So then we just kept the abs going with nary a dry spot to be found.

Mosey back to the football field for a game of Snuff’s ‘cone flip or else.’ The goal of the game is to get the cone all the way across the parking lot. One at a time each man flips the cone forward, and if it lands right side up, 5 monkey humpers. If it falls over, 1 burpee for each time it has fallen over. A few clutch upright cone flips by Bulkhead and his low to the ground technique, and YHC who just flung it like a baseball bat. We made it across with only doing 6 burpees at the final flip for a modest total of 21.

Then some indigenous pole smokers while timer ran to the lightpost, switching up the exercises until we got all the way there, with some good squats and caroline dry docks.

Mosey back around the front of the school to door B12 where we did extended wall sits while the each man took a turn running forwards then back.

Mosey to the front lot for the finale – the bear crawl ascending parking space mirkins, all the way to 10, followed by some ab Mary, light stretching, finishing it off with a 1:30 elbow plank.

All in all a beautiful morning to be out in the sunshine and enjoy the spontaneity. Great AO and I hope the rest of SOJ gets chance to get up there with the true Daville legends. As always, appreciate the hospitality and the bond of seeing old friends and making them flip cones.

Afterwards we went for coffee at Local Cup. Great way to kick off the weekend. Peace.


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