Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

He Gave Himself a What?


10 men of character (or just characters) assembled in the haze for the latest edition of 45MOM. Temperatures were sunny and 70. According to the tomato counting her colleagues efforts, the following might have happened.

Mosey along the sidewalk to the corner of Westmoreland and Grove. Circle up.

SSHs (50), Don Quixote (5), burpees, let’s try DQs again (maybe 3), 10 burpees, Imperial Walkers 7, LBCs 20, Hello Dolly 7, Rosalita’s 7, Scorpion Kicks, Inverted Scorpion Kicks, HRMs.

Mosey about 9 feet to the west/southwest to the picnic tables for 11’s.

Incline merkins and step ups.

Mosey to the blacktop. Dora 100-200–300 with a twist.

100 merkins (split 50/50), 200 WWIIs, and 300 SSHs. Twist is 5 boo-yah merkins between sets. After about 50 WWIIs, the Q realized that was going to take all day, so audible to 4-count flutter kicks (or have Bleeder do some kind of belly dance for the tomatoes). We knew he could play pickle ball; apparently, he can belly dance, too.

Mosey to the tennis courts for a Beast (redux). 6 sets of 6 exercises. Squats, monkey humpers, dry docks, and we are running out of time…

…Mosey BTTVSF for some stretching and time.


Friday SOJ hosting a 2nd F billiards evening. Jorts for SOJ guys, popped collars optional for Tuckahoe.

SOJ takeover starts Saturday. Best YHC can tell, Rosie is Qing every workout.

Summer Tour…continues.

For SOJ takeover and Summer Tour…Recommendation to Traveling Qs: learn / explore the AO before Qing, especially if the AO is new to you.

Breaking Bread needs a couple of July sign-ups. New guys: this is F3RVA’s volunteer group. Give this a try. It’s far easier than you think. 4th Sat/Sun of every month. 5:30. You make dinner for 8-12 people recovering from a medical issue. Super rewarding.

NMS: Bodo’s has a friend whose motto is, “If you can’t give yourself a vasectomy, who can you give one to?” So, he did. With a mirror. And, wait for it, his wife watched. YHC thinks this says something about trust in a marriage. Is this is a sign of “complete trust” (We can share this moment!) or the total absence of trust (She wants to make 100% sure he goes through with it)? Perhaps a topic for the next F3RVA discussion group.

Handshake is scouring YouTube for videos to see if this is a better way to go. Saab points out the financial savings this would offer. See what people miss when they pay for a gym membership?

YHC turns 7 in F3RVA years today (at $20/month, roughly $1680 in savings, Saab!). Thank you to HoneyDo for hounding me to join. Thank you to Bleeder for trying to kill me the first day (or at least make me puke, which YHC still has never done).

This group has been transformative for YHC. The fitness side is simple. YHC is far more muscular, and the fat has been pushed further from the midpoint of the torso. The results are obvious: Mission not accomplished. 2nd F has been friendships galore built during beatdowns, runs through the woods, social events, and countless breakfasts at ETs and Libbie Market. Thank you.

The real magic has been in the 3rd F. A long time ago TYA shared with me a video that should be titled,”It’s not about you.” The 3rd F is not about a specific religion; it’s about faith demonstrated by doing things for other people. Each of us can do that and collectively we can do that. This group has provided a set of role models, especially among the Old School guys, who remind YHC regularly of the importance of being there for other humans. Help the poor, visit the imprisoned, and help to carry other people along the walk of life (and be ready to welcome their help when you need it).

Onward – Given that Pigskin is Respect, Respect, Respect AND is roughly 12 in F3 years, YHC predicts the best is yet to come.


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