Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Chum Bucket at Heartbreak Ridge


9 of western Henrico’s finest gathered for this weeks Heartbreak. No Q in site, but a text to forewarn. Apparent groin injury due to overuse.

COP of various exercises

Mosey to the main parking lot for some tracers. Run to the far parking space and touch the line, mosey back to the first line, continue on to the second to the last line, and then back to the first, continue until all lines have been touched.

Triple Check. P1 Bear Crawls across the lot and runs back, P2 does Wall Sits, P3 does Dips. 3 rounds.

Mosey back to the COP Parking Lot. As a group, 30 HRM’s, 50 WWI’s. Break in the middle of the 50 WWI’s for both Inverted and Regular Scorpion Kicks.

Mosey to the Pull Up Bars and complete 10 Pull Ups each.

Mosey back to the Flag for 30 LBC’s and 20 2-Count Flutter Kicks.

Announcements – none

Prayer Requests – none

NMS – quiet morning. Likely the Parking Space Run was the culprit. YHC didn’t have anything planned but YHC figured it out. Glad to have Hutton and Chum Bucket at Heartbreak. Bonus Points to Hutton for running to and from the AO.


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