Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Mexican Restaurant or Workout?


18 strong posted out to Satan’s Hill for the inaugural “Cornhole bags of death”. Credit to Hardywood for the title of this beatdown as I think this the first time mumble chatter on slack has named one of my Q’s!

COP- warm up run to stop sign. 20 each SSH, LBC; 10 Each DQ’s, Jazzercise, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, , Coper head squat, Dead man hang, Merkins, Box cutters, Plank jacks,

Divide into 2 teams, grab coupons.

Regulation cornhole toss. Each thrower with 4 bags. Start with 40 Reps, -10 for in the hole, -5 for on the board. Thrower calls exercise. All bags miss everything run to top of Satan’s Hill and back. One group ran much more than the other. As I longed to be in the other “less running” group I hear Wildcat call for 20 Burpees and then again on next time through! Glad I was where I was!

Tour tickets: 1 ticket punched for Chaplain.

Announcements: See slack. School of Rock 8am this Saturday.

Prayers: To Armstrong’s father, To our kid’s as they start Summer break.

As always Great to lead and make today Awesome!


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