Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Just like that


PAX of ten posted for this morning’s GridIron under clear skies with a moderate starting temperature and light breeze. Mosey from the parking lot to the southwest edge of the main football field with warmup COP including 25 x SSHs, 15 x Hillbillies, 15 x DQs, 16 x Helicopters, 10 x Shoulder Taps (two count), 10 x Suzanne Somers (each side), 25 x Freddie Mercur(ies), 25 x APDs, and Arm Circles (big and small, forward and reverse).

Resume our mosey to the field in front of the middle school for BLIMPs. Line up on the sideline, run to the middle of the field to complete exercise reps, and return to the sideline until all are done. Start the first round with one exercise and add another exercise each round. Exercise and rep count included 5 x Burpees, 10 x Lunges (two count), 15 x Imperial Walkers (two count), 20 x Merkins, and 25 x Plank Jacks. Follow with group trash collection using a bucket left midfield – possibly leftover field day trash – and leave the receptacle at the end of the field for school personnel to find.

Jog to the school wall and find a spot for Burpees with Donkey Kicks. Finish 1 Burpee with 10 Donkey Kicks. Follow with 1 Burpee and 9 DKs, and so on waiting for all to finish between sets, until completion of 1 of each.

Mosey to the downhill field adjacent to the main football field for BOMBS. Line up on the sideline, partner up and complete, Dora-style with one guy running to midfield and back, while the other completes exercise reps, including 25 x Burpees, 50 x Overhead Presses (two count), 75 x Merkins, 100 x Big Boy Sit-Ups (WWIIs), and 125 Squats.

Saunter to the playground for a two rounds of LBC variations, 25 reps each – regular, one leg straight, other leg straight, side crunch one side, side crunch the other, and both legs extended. Finish with some stretching. Mosey back to the parking lot for COT. Coffee for most at Lauderdale / Broad Starbucks after.


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