Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

7 Turns


6 Runners and 2 Ruckers came out for YHC’s start of anniversary week.

Route – A simple out and back starting with a loop around the school, turn into Taylor Farm, cross Atlee Station into Chickahominy Oaks, then to the back of the neighorhood before return the same way back for 4 miles

A few of us got in some extra credit with Phonics and Speakeasy taking a loop around Honey Meadows on the way back to get closer to 5 miles and YHC getting in a loop around football stadium and HS parking lot to get in 4.5

The route was designed to have a total of 7 turns on the way out to mark YHC’s 7 year F3 anniversary coming up this Sunday

Looking forward to celebrating the rest of the week!



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