Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

High Stepping APD TTT


9 strong showed up to see what YHC had cooked up for the TT crowd. Mystery abounds but soon all questions were answered. Mosey to the bus loop for 4 DQ, 21 SSH, 19 IW and 53 LBC for my dad’s 70th birthday. Next up APD TTT. 8 count marching APD with a Tuscaloosa Titty Twister, good stretch, best done on grass. Note taken. Quick circle to the playground, 5 pullups each whole PAX planks and does 5 shoulder taps for each man.

Stop for a near perfect bob and weave and monkey humpers on the way to TwinTeam Hill. Attempt Gomers Wounded Bear, pair up. Pax 1 20 bear crawls, pax 2 10 WWII, run to catch up 5 Booya merkins and switch.

Mosey to the bottom of the hill 10 strides up, 1 burpee, mosey down 10 Freddies. 20 and 2 repeat up to 70 and 7. Mosey back to the flag and some Mary to prep OC for his 22nd anniversary night.

Thanks for letting me lead and sticking with me through the hills. Great morning to be in the gloom with a strong group of hard chargers. Have a great weekend men.

Lunch 4/27 Rusty Taco, 11:45

CSAUP May 6, Currahee, Ginger has the details

Many other things coming in May. Stay tuned


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