Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Wall of Humanity


Wow…I have been with big Qs, but this morning with 15(16 at the end), it felt like the number was higher. The warmer weather bringing everyone out(humid that thick air you can feel). After the ruck, the game plan was simple: good, steady flow plus stay moving.

Warmaramma: with it being warmer went a little different today(SSH, Helicopters, Don Quixote, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead squats, LBCs) then took it over to the baseline for a little more warm up to get mobile and hit the lower half(suicides plus adding rounds of squats, flutter kicks, and lunges). Then it was time to take off, I had a route in mind I wanted to do so down the path to the next lot.

25-50-75-100: first lot consisted of these 4 exercises….25 smurf jacks, 50 2 count mountain climbers, 75 jump ropes, and 100 toe taps. After the completion of each exercise, a lap around the lot where we were. After we finished, a small walking recovery to the main path, then down to the next lot

Prison burpees-quick punches: This one I called an audible on due to the fact I felt some would really struggle as the burpee numbers got higher. A prison burpee is one where you add a little hit to the side of your stomach(gives the abs a little something to brace for). One thing that helps is each part, you count so 1,2,etc hit the top, then start over again.My original idea was 10 prison burpees, side shuffle down, then throw your punches, side shuffle back. After 3, I saw the. struggle and went cut it off at 5 and 20 which still is a lot. As we were finishing up, those waiting hit some hollow holds(in the future, will add the rocking motion) everyone came back, onto the next area

Triple check time: with 15, it was perfect. The exercises, single leg v-ups, jump squats, Mario jumps(in honor of the movie). The key just keep moving plus not worrying about counting reps, work on form, keep moving and everyone was on the mark. We hit a little plank(down to the elbows) then onto the next area.

A mini dora: today it was 50 plank jacks, 100 LBCs, and 200 squats. The only thing where we were was still a little slick so you needed to be a little careful with traction. I felt stronger, getting a little more movement going which is what I wanted(be strong as the time was later). Finished it quickly, then one final mosey to the courts, I needed to get my phone cause I had a surprise so the the rest did some box cutters while waiting for me.

I have known some strong women: Roxanne, Thunder but Sally is one that will kick your butt. Yes bring Sally up, bring Sally down. Merkins(as we couldn’t hold it, switched to hand released or deep squats). The song is a little over 3 minutes(there are longer mix versions which you might kill me on that). After we recovered, a new wrinkle I am adding to my Qs is stretching cause we need to. We did about 5 minutes of good stretching to help those muscles get looser plus recover. After that it was time

Announcements: We went over upcoming events that will be posted in Slack over the upcoming weeks and months. Rugged Maniac is 2 weeks away, if anyone has a friend or someone interested still I have a friend who has a few passes at a great deal(parking not included) but price wise a lot better then what you will pay plus prices will rise Sunday.

Keep Oyster and his family in your prayers over the recent events.

I am done….have a good rest of the weekend


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