Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Carpenter brought the PAX out


9 Davillians and 1 Down Range Jersey man enjoy a nice reunion this morning for the first run of the week.


Headed down the sideway of the two school then turned into far entrance of Giles onto Hill fork Drive. Took a left onto Pleasant Level Rd unto the roundabout before heading to the back out Giles. Heading up hill on Giles Pond Dr then took the cut through into Craney Island.

4.5 milers – Headed to the back of Craney Island for the down and up hill before looping around the neighborhood to Carpenter’s old house and head out of Craney Island on Westone Rd. Headed back to the SF thus Atlee Station Rd and loop around Cool Spring Church

4.0 milers – Skipped the the back hill and took the same way back with a shorter loop around the Church

Ruckers – Did their thing and walked around the schools and Giles

Since Carpenter was in town, we all finished with him leading us in 100 SSH IC.


Great to have The Carpenter stop for visit on his way to NC for college visit with his daughter. We he comes to town it seem everyone make its out. Good to have Phonics back out after being on IR for a while and also to see Anchovy.

Corned Beef decided to ruck with this morning with his new weighted vest including 45lbs. Hash joined him for the first 30 mins then ran with the PAX and Bulkhead joined him for the last 45 mins



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